The following are the FOUR DOMAINS OF LEADERSHIP STRENGTH according to the book "Strengths-Based Leadership" by Tom Rath and Barrie Conchie
I'll outline them below, followed by a comparison with the 4 Domains previously developed by Gallup
The Domains of Leadership Strength
EXECUTING- Achiever, Arranger, Belief, Consistency, Deliberative, Discipline, Focus, Responsibility, Restorative
INFLUENCING- Activator, Command, Communication, Competition, Maximizer, Self-Assurance, Significance, Woo
RELATIONSHIP- Adaptability, Developer, Connectedness, Empathy, Harmony, Includer, Individualization, Positivity, Relator
STRATEGIC THINKING- Analytical, Context, Futuristic, Ideation, Input, Intellection, Learner, Strategic
For the sake of analysis I will correlate the categories as such:
Executing=Striving(working harder)
Influencing=Impacting (influencing others)
Relationship=Relating (relating with others)
Strategic Thinking= Thinking (working smarter)
Unfortunately I don't have access to the underlying data to confirm these assumptions, but from observation, they seem accurate.
What I would like to know is if the new categories are unique because of the business application of the strengths, or if Gallup in their ongoing research has refined the categories and now the new ones are more accurate. Below, I will highlight the strengths that have switched categories.
Talent Theme_____1999 Category (GSM*)___2007 Category
Arranger_________Striving ____________Executing
Responsibility _____Relating ___________ Executing
Activator ________ Striving ____________Influencing
Communication____Relating____________ Influencing
Self-Assurance_____Striving ____________Influencing
Significance_______Striving ____________Influencing
Connectedness____ Thinking ___________Relationship
Positivity ________Impacting__________ Relationship
More to come....
Clifton StrengthsFinder Blog
Helping you build a STRONG life.
Major upgrade to website
That's right fellow Strengths Finders, has launched a major upgrade. The home page looks the same, but once you log in with your user name and password, everything changes. In addition, Tom Rath, along with Barry Conchie have written a new book entitled, "Strengths-based Leadership: Great leaders, teams and why people follow"
After clicking on Sign in on what looks like the original homepage, you will be directed to the new home page
You will then be taken to the new Sign in page
Another great feature of the new website is that you can use your old login information and have full access to the new reports and interface. That's right the reports have slightly changed as well.
Enter your new, or old user information either from the code in the envelope in the back of your book, or from the previous time you took the test.
It seems that now you can use the 2.0 version of the assessment with any of the Gallup sites or books, including Vital Friends, Strengths Quest, How Full is Your Bucket?, StrengthsExplorer, and StrengthsFinder 1.0. This is great news for those of us who have taken Strengths Finder in years past and have bemoaned the fact that only the newer books allow you to take the 2.0 version. But curiously, NOT Now, Discover Your Strengths. Could it be that M. Buckingham negotiated the rights to that one?? Inquiring minds want to know.
Still need to investigate if I can go back with my 1.0 codes and receive a 2.0 report. That would mean that all the people I bought How Full Is Your Bucket? to get the code could now go back and see their individualized report. That would be awesome!! (Need to confirm soon) If you know, please send me a message.
I also am wondering if all of the languages available with the 1.0 version have now been effectively translated to the 2.0. All they needed to do was to translate the data that comprised the 2.0 reports.
Final web shots...
At the writing of this blog, I'm still trying to log in to the website using my code from How Full is Your Bucket? to see if I can get the 2.0 individualized report. Keeping my fingers crossed.
After clicking on Sign in on what looks like the original homepage, you will be directed to the new home page
You will then be taken to the new Sign in page
Another great feature of the new website is that you can use your old login information and have full access to the new reports and interface. That's right the reports have slightly changed as well.
Enter your new, or old user information either from the code in the envelope in the back of your book, or from the previous time you took the test.
It seems that now you can use the 2.0 version of the assessment with any of the Gallup sites or books, including Vital Friends, Strengths Quest, How Full is Your Bucket?, StrengthsExplorer, and StrengthsFinder 1.0. This is great news for those of us who have taken Strengths Finder in years past and have bemoaned the fact that only the newer books allow you to take the 2.0 version. But curiously, NOT Now, Discover Your Strengths. Could it be that M. Buckingham negotiated the rights to that one?? Inquiring minds want to know.
Still need to investigate if I can go back with my 1.0 codes and receive a 2.0 report. That would mean that all the people I bought How Full Is Your Bucket? to get the code could now go back and see their individualized report. That would be awesome!! (Need to confirm soon) If you know, please send me a message.
I also am wondering if all of the languages available with the 1.0 version have now been effectively translated to the 2.0. All they needed to do was to translate the data that comprised the 2.0 reports.
Final web shots...
At the writing of this blog, I'm still trying to log in to the website using my code from How Full is Your Bucket? to see if I can get the 2.0 individualized report. Keeping my fingers crossed.
How to interpret you StrengthsFinder 2.0 report
Your brief report will have your top 5 talent themes. After each theme, there will be a short definition of that theme. The descriptive paragraph that follows below is UNIQUE to you.
Let's say that your top 5 themes are:
When you read the description under the Developer category, the information there will be integrating information from your other 4 themes. The same will be true for Empathy, Woo, Adaptability and Includer.
Let's say your friend has the following themes:
The only theme you share in common is Adaptability. But, when you read the individualized report, your friend's version of Adaptability will be mixed with his other 4 themes. And since these are very different from yours, his report will sound distinct as well. If you have the same theme as one of your friends or family members, read their report and compare for yourself.
My top 5 are: ;lsdjf;lasdjf;lasdjf;lskj;lskfj;lsdkj;sl Natalie
Individualization ;lskfj;alsdfja;lsdkfja;sldkfja;lsk Ideation
Ideation ;alsdjasldja;sldkfjas;ldkja;sldkjas;lkjsa;;Activator
Activator ja;sldfja;sldkfja;sldfja;sldkfj;asldkfja;slEmpathy
Woo ja;sldkfja;lsdkfja;sldkfja;sldkfj;lsdkjs;lkjjjjjjFuturistic
Communication slja;sdlkfja;sldkfja;lsdkfj;lkfja;sjIndividualization
As you can see, Natalie and I share 3 of our top 5 themes, but because she has Empathy and Futuristic, our reports read very differently. It would be like adding 2 very different ingredients to your favorite recipe.
I was amused to read one phrase that appeared verbatim in both of our reports. Can you figure out why? What 2 ingredients combined to make this dish?
"Chances are good that you relieve people of the burden of having to figure out what you think, feel, and need. How? You simply tell them. Your plainspoken approach enhances their understanding of you as a person. Your straightforward expression of your needs and desires usually eliminates any confusion."
My guess is the combination of Activator and Individualization. Too impatient to wait for others to discover our wonderful uniqueness, we go ahead and tell them.
FINAL NOTE: So, when you read your brief report, spend some time reading over the information carefully. You are not just reading about that individual theme, you are reading about your unique combination. Highlight phrases that resonate with you and seem to capture a bit of your essence. You can use these snippets of information to describe yourself in your resume or in a job interview.
Wouldn't it be awesome to have a powerful and descriptive answer to the question, "So tell me about yourself", or "So what are your strengths?". Instead of muttering something about being "hardworking", you can have the confidence to talk about your strengths in truthful, yet complex fashion.
So, take some time to read your Report and mine it for all its worth.
Your brief report will have your top 5 talent themes. After each theme, there will be a short definition of that theme. The descriptive paragraph that follows below is UNIQUE to you.
Let's say that your top 5 themes are:
When you read the description under the Developer category, the information there will be integrating information from your other 4 themes. The same will be true for Empathy, Woo, Adaptability and Includer.
Let's say your friend has the following themes:
The only theme you share in common is Adaptability. But, when you read the individualized report, your friend's version of Adaptability will be mixed with his other 4 themes. And since these are very different from yours, his report will sound distinct as well. If you have the same theme as one of your friends or family members, read their report and compare for yourself.
My top 5 are: ;lsdjf;lasdjf;lasdjf;lskj;lskfj;lsdkj;sl Natalie
Individualization ;lskfj;alsdfja;lsdkfja;sldkfja;lsk Ideation
Ideation ;alsdjasldja;sldkfjas;ldkja;sldkjas;lkjsa;;Activator
Activator ja;sldfja;sldkfja;sldfja;sldkfj;asldkfja;slEmpathy
Woo ja;sldkfja;lsdkfja;sldkfja;sldkfj;lsdkjs;lkjjjjjjFuturistic
Communication slja;sdlkfja;sldkfja;lsdkfj;lkfja;sjIndividualization
As you can see, Natalie and I share 3 of our top 5 themes, but because she has Empathy and Futuristic, our reports read very differently. It would be like adding 2 very different ingredients to your favorite recipe.
I was amused to read one phrase that appeared verbatim in both of our reports. Can you figure out why? What 2 ingredients combined to make this dish?
"Chances are good that you relieve people of the burden of having to figure out what you think, feel, and need. How? You simply tell them. Your plainspoken approach enhances their understanding of you as a person. Your straightforward expression of your needs and desires usually eliminates any confusion."
My guess is the combination of Activator and Individualization. Too impatient to wait for others to discover our wonderful uniqueness, we go ahead and tell them.
FINAL NOTE: So, when you read your brief report, spend some time reading over the information carefully. You are not just reading about that individual theme, you are reading about your unique combination. Highlight phrases that resonate with you and seem to capture a bit of your essence. You can use these snippets of information to describe yourself in your resume or in a job interview.
Wouldn't it be awesome to have a powerful and descriptive answer to the question, "So tell me about yourself", or "So what are your strengths?". Instead of muttering something about being "hardworking", you can have the confidence to talk about your strengths in truthful, yet complex fashion.
So, take some time to read your Report and mine it for all its worth.
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